Tips & information

Useful websites

Provisional tax refund

Every month an amount of taxes is withheld from your salary. It is possible to get part of this amount back. Every year, you can claim this amount back in one go via tax forms. Apart from this annual refund, it is also possible to get your withheld salary back in the meantime. For this interim refund, also called provisional refund, you can contact the Tax Administration (Belastingdienst).

Debt assistance

NVVK can advise you on how to achieve a better balance in income and expenditure. A municipal credit bank or city bank can examine with you whether a payment arrangement (100% payment), refinancing (debt taken over by the credit bank) or an amicable debt arrangement may offer a solution.

National Mortgage Guarantee

Is your house sold and does it yield less than the amount of the mortgage? Then you cannot repay the mortgage in full and you (and your partner) will be left with a so-called residual debt. Have you taken out a mortgage with NHG and do you meet the conditions? Then you may be eligible for cancellation of this residual debt. The residual debt is then repaid to the mortgage lender by the NHG.

Dutch Credit Register Information

You can request your own data from Bureau Krediet Registratie (how are you registered with BKR). On this overview you will find all the loans you have taken out, any arrears and/or special codes.


Do you have problematic debts? Do you have questions about debt assistance? On the WSNP website you will find more information.

Budget education

On the Nibud website you will find tips on managing your finances and preventing payment difficulties.