The amount you pay monthly for your mortgage is always charged to you in arrears. In most cases, this is done by direct debit. This means that you have given your mortgage lender permission to debit the monthly instalments from your bankaccount. When you took out your mortgage, it was agreed that your monthly instalment would always be paid on time. You will be debited at a fixed day each month. What day that is, depends on your mortgage lender.
Directbank Vastgoed Hypotheken Florius MoneYou Reaal Levensverzekeringen Triodos Bank Westland Utrecht Bank
Acier Financieringen Conservatrix DBV Finance Domivest Eurolife Finance Gemeente den Haag Groene Hart Hypotheken Lloyds Bank Roparco Tulp BunQ Tulp Hypotheken Tulp Riant Hypotheken Univé Venn Hypotheken
Until recently, a number of banks made several attempts to collect the monthly payment. A number of banks have recently stopped doing this, including your bank. Because of this, it is possible that your direct debit is not successful, whereas it used to be. An attempt is made to debit the amount from you once. Therefore we advise you to make sure that your account has sufficient funds in it, at least one day before the date of the direct debit.
Bank account numbers